Gallery II. Malbec’s Woman

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During the first twenty years of my life living in several countries and coming into contact with diverse cultures, I had the opportunity since my early childhood of meeting and being surrounded by magical women. Both in Greece and Israel where we sojourned for long vacations my encounter with those matriarchs was a source for amazement and satisfaction due to their wisdom and warmth which emanated from their eyes and their maternal figure. At adolescence Mexican women captivated me for their connection to the wisdom of their ancestors. At later ages traveling through China, Peru and Nepal, I came to know beautiful matriarchs living very austere lives pregnant with joy, warmth and wisdom, and above all, spiritual connection with their territories. All in all, these encounters transformed my perception of the role of women, coming then to my present understanding that the participation of women in their societies is to the effect of incorporating into their human collectives, men and women, , the Feminine Universal Energy, from a non-combatant loving stance, of maternal providing presence yet nonimposing, natural wisdom free of stereotype. The cumulate of these encounters led me to procure honour them with my art.